E-invitation & Promo codes

Two solutions to Invite your clients / prospects for

My invitation

1. Click Configure my invitation
2. Personalize your invitation
3. Import guests - Retail buyers only
4. You can Import your list

You can also add guests manually and view the recording status after import.

New - Invitations are sent instantly few minutes after creation.

My promo code

1. Click on My promo codes
2. Click Copy promo code (invitation code)
3. You can share the code by email

You will then be able to track in real time the buyers who used your code and who came to the show thanks to you.

You can share the link below with the pre-filled invitation code.
Invitation is to be sent to retailers / buyers only. Each invitation is submitted to moderation by Curve team.
Invitations are limited to buyers / retailers only. All registration are subject to moderation.

Please set up your invitation email, to start inviting your contacts

Copy this link and the promo code and pass them on to your contacts